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How Long Do IPL Results Last?

How Long Do IPL Results Last?

Looking to Lumecca IPL to get even with your sunspots and wondering how long your skin-brightening results will last? We’re here to shed some light on the matter. Lumecca by InMode, like most nonsurgical and minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, is a temporary fix,...
Lumecca IPL: Am I a Good Candidate?

Lumecca IPL: Am I a Good Candidate?

Looking to achieve brighter, more beautiful skin at the speed of light? Lumecca by InMode is the latest IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology that uses powerful, state-of-the-art light therapy to even skin tone from top to bottom without a laser or chemical peel in...
Which is Better? IPL or Microneedling?

Which is Better? IPL or Microneedling?

The battle of the beauty procedures continues with IPL photofacial versus microneedling: two of the most sought-after cosmetic treatments. Which is better? The answer may surprise you. Each cosmetic procedure is designed to treat a specific concern(s). While some...