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IPL Photofacial with Lumecca™ by InMode®

Your Skin Experiences Aging in many Forms. IPL Photofacial is the Antidote. It’s the Flash That Makes You Shine!

Beautiful, Brighter Skin at the Speed of Light

Aging skin doesn’t just come in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, or laxity. Hyperpigmentation, uneven skin tone, roughened texture, and your skin irregularities are all ravages of time and they make their presence known when you least expect it.

Most men and women will notice their once opaque, even skin tone and baby-smooth texture has begun to appear uneven and riddled with unwanted freckles, sun spots, or a bumpy, uneven surface. After all, overexposure to UV rays is the number one skin ager. If you’ve committed one of the top cardinal skin sins by not practicing safe sun in your younger years, you’re most likely noticing those unsightly spots popping up here, there, and everywhere.

Thanks to non-invasive Lumecca by InMode, the advanced, upgraded form of IPL photofacial technology, you can finally see the spot run. You will love what putting your skin in the right light will do for your overall appearance. Book a consultation online and see you skin healthy and glowing like never before!

Light Calls out to Light

Intense Pulsing Light (IPL) photofacial is a noninvasive treatment that improves complexion almost anywhere you have sun spots or difficult textures skin. It works by using light to tighten and repair blood vessels in the deeper layers of the skin, scattering concentrated areas of melanin (the substance that makes skin darker). IPL delivers a visibly brighter, smoother complexion in just a few 30 to 60-minute treatments.

Virtually painless and no anesthesia necessary, the Lumecca by InMode skin brightening system delivers safe, powerful, and effective results faster than traditional IPL photofacials. Unlike standard IPL photofacial devices that only deliver 10-15% of total pulse energy in the 500-600 nm range, Lumecca delivers an impressive 40% of total pulse energy using a custom xenon flash lamp!

Lumecca features a revolutionary intense cooling sapphire designed to protect the surface of the skin and surrounding, undamaged tissue. Unlike traditional IPL photofacial technology, Lumecca is designed for most skin shades. See the light in your face – call today for a consultation!

Good Things Come For Those Who Lumecca

Receiving your Lumecca treatment is easy. During the session, you will be lying down and wearing protective eye gear. A cooling gel will be applied to the treated areas, and you will experience a sensation like cool glass rubbing across your skin. Most sessions take anywhere from a half-hour to an hour.

This treatment delivers clarity and brightness. It restores that unmistakable, youthful glow to the complexion. This treatment targets hyperpigmentation, sun and age spots and rosacea flare-ups. It is also a great choice for fading broken capillaries, dark circles around the eyes, sun-induced freckling on the face, or other overexposed parts of the body. It’s a great treatment for spider veins or vascular lesions and improves dullness and lackluster skin.

The Lumecca IPL Photofacial imparts clarity, brightness, and an unmistakable glow to the complexion. Book your consultation online with our team and let us enhance your beauty today!

Before & After

How Lumecca IPL Photofacial Works

Safe and convenient, the Lumecca IPL Photofacial system is a sophisticated, breakthrough beauty device with a broader range of wavelengths than its IPL photofacial device predecessor. A broader wavelength spectrum offers an overall improvement to the complexion’s clarity and tone while boosting skin regeneration on a molecular level at an increased rate.

The cutting-edge treatment can be used on virtually any area of the face or body compromised by photoaging. You will only feel the device’s cool glass gently glide across the surface of your skin. The average Lumecca session varies depending on the severity of skin damage and the patient. Depending on your individual cosmetic concerns, you may need to book an additional 1-2 sessions to yield desired, skin-brightening results.

There’s nothing like the feeling of freshness after a procedure like this! Call or book online and learn more about photofacials from our dedicated team of aesthetic specialists!

What to Expect Post Treatment

You may or may not experience some reddening at the treatment area, but irritation should subside in a few hours of treatment. Immediately following your treatment session, your hyperpigmentation/sunspots will darken over the course of 7 to 10 days until they eventually “slough” off on their own, revealing a visibly brighter, more even-toned complexion.

How Often Should I Get a Lumecca IPL Photofacial? As previously stated, everyone’s skin situation is different, and everyone has a different level and depth of sun damage. Your aesthetics provider will need to assess your own unique skin needs to determine a course of action to get you seeing clearer days ahead. Typically, patients require 2-5 sessions scheduled 4-6 weeks apart to enjoy the most visibly remarkable results.

Lumecca by InMode offers non-invasive, state-of-the-art, pulsed illumination technology at the speed of light. You will expect to see more beautiful-looking skin, a brighter complexion with minimal downtime, quicker recovery, and faster results. Book a consultation through our easy to use online booking system!

Great Things Come For Those Who Wait

Lumecca is so popular because not only is it effective, but the recovery is easy. After the treatment, you might experience possible reddening where you were treated. That will subside within a few hours. Any hyperpigmented areas will fade over 7-10 days.

The treated areas of your skin should slough off and reveal a visibly brighter, more even complexion. Maintaining that complexion will require two to five more treatments, depending on desired results.

Your skin is begging you for a glow up and we’re here to answer the call. Don’t delay! Contact DG Aesthetics and get your Photofacial scheduled now.

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